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"Life is like a camera - Focus on what's important and you will capture it perfectly." 

Kristine, originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, settling in Los Angeles since 2020, before then in New York from 2012.
As a devoted mother to her two daughters, Luna and Olivia, her photography passion and motherhood intertwine, forming a perfect circle of life, where both gentle support each other as strong pillars in a foundation.

Her Scandinavian heritage and fascination with light influence her work. From Denmark's fleeting sunlight to its long winters, she adores uses dramatic lighting schemes to infuse her photos with emotion, always seeking light and shadows.

Kristine's style is effortless, ethereal, and inspired by her unwavering focus. Whether capturing playful children, camera-conscious families, or expectant mothers, she assumes the role of observer, infusing authenticity into her work.

Beyond photography, Kristine crafts earthy toned canvas backdrops in her kitchen, igniting inspiration for fellow photographers. She also offers mentoring classes for passionate creators at any level of experience.

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